Dr. Moti Peleg

Ronit Rinat Peleg

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Flesh & Spirit



 "Every one thinks we are
  the most perfect couple, 
  afraid to be caught, keep 
                  Marcia G. Brown

Are you bothered
like Marcia? even with more thoughts?

"I don't want to rock the boat,
Feeling stuck, stale, getting old!"

"Looking for something , not knowing what it is."

"Missing something, knowing there is a better way."

"Putting things under the rug,
Fear of hurting my partner if
I share what I feel."

Feeling blocked, no way out"

Our professional team is here to help!

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Find the voice of relationship.



By Dr. Moti Peleg & Ronit Rinat Peleg

The practice of Flesh and Spirit opens us up to the powerful connection between body and soul . The committed intimate relationship calls us to transcend the personal self and to embrace the other. In this workshop we will lead a small circle of couples along a path emphasizing deep communication as well as exploring the role of the sexual and the spiritual in the life of the couple.

We will introduce the council process for couples, where attentive listening and authentic speaking combine with the aim of transforming the relationship.

Our goal is to create a circle of lovers that supports each couple. In men’s , women’s and mixed circles we will witness council, share dreams and explore energetic awareness.

We embrace the spiritual dimension of the relationship through the introduction of the “Third”, which provides a voice for the relationship in the couple’s council.

Flesh and Spirit affirms the inseparability of the sexual and the spiritual in mature intimate relationships. We believe this to be true for any religion, any marital status, and any sexual orientation.

The practices involved in the “Flesh & Spirit” approach to intimate relationship invites couples into the powerful connection between body and soul. The core practice of intimate communication
is based on the “Council Process”-- a circle form of communication that appears in
many traditional cultures. The intentions
of council lead to heartfelt communication, reconciliation between men and women and the deepening of intimacy. These practices were developed by Dr Jack Zimmerman and his life-partner, Dr. Jaquelyn McCandless, along with their many colleagues at the Ojai Foundation
in Southern California. They are authors of, “Flesh and Spirit: The Mystery of Intimate Relationship,” Bramble Books 1998.

The Flesh & Spirit practices support
the unification of body and spirit in a heightened state of awareness. The basic council practice offers a way to expand non-judgmental, compassionate and mindful listening with spontaneous and heartfelt expression.
This leads to embracing the "Third of
the Relationship," an authentic conscientious witness and teacher,
who gives voice to what the relationship needs.

The partners, In the process, open themselves up to the mystery of wholeness and deep bonding that transcends self-involvement and
ordinary secular connectedness.

In their weekend workshops the Peleg’s facilitate an adventurous journey that connects couples to the “Imaginal Realm,” where deep intimacy and soul connectedness come into reach. Elements of the journey include: meditation, dream work, shadow exploration, synchronistic awareness, intuitive listening, connecting with nature, learning to listen to the voice of the inner child, and masculine and feminine archetypes. Ultimately, the journey brings the couple into the “Third Presence, ”and being able to hear the voice of the Relationship.

The workshop is useful for a wide variety of couples. Those caught in combative relationships can learn to move beyond their differences and those relationships that have “gone flat” find ways to “bloom again.”

Individual empowerment flourishes in a relationship that has gained access to Third Consciousness.

English   Hebrew

It takes two to Tango

Intuitive heart
to heart listening
and communicating

Conscious present awareness
Showing up

to claim love

Power of the Soul

Fate into Destiny
 Connecting to humanity and the Universe



as a catalyst
of intimacy

the infinite power of synchronicities



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